Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Time Flies in Frontera!

Wow! Just about to finish up my third change here in Frontera and this month I’m going to hit my 6th month mark! It's crazy how fast time goes by out here grinding in Mexico. 

These past couple of weeks have been great, the work is really coming along here in Frontera. Elder Carreon and I have been working hard and we have had the privilege to see a couple of miracles here in Frontera over the past couple of weeks! 

About two weeks ago we were walking from one apt. to another when older gentlemen in a wheelchair yelled "aye Mormons" haha. So, we went into his store and started talking with him. He was interested in our church; however, he talked a lot about his pastor and what not, so we didn’t really think he was going to be able to progress. However, a couple of days later we were close to his house and I had a feeling that we should just stop by and talk with him for a second. He had been reading the Book of Mormon, so we answered some questions for him and then he asked us about the holy ghost; because his pastor always like runs around the church doing crazy stuff saying he is full of the holy ghost and what not. So, then we ended up teaching him about the gospel of Jesus Christ, faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. We taught him about the proper way to confirm the gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands and about the priesthood authority that is necessary to perform these covenants. Then we committed him to be baptized and he came to church with us last week! Then during the week Elder Carreon and I went over to his house and cleaned for a little bit on Wednesday morning! We visited him again on Saturday and he was way excited for church on Sunday! 

Sunday morning Elder Wells and I went to go pick him up while Elder Carreon and Elder Smith went to pick up another investigator. He can’t really move his left side of his body so when we got to his house he asked us to help him change his clothes, so he could look fresh for church. So, we helped him take his shirt off and what not and then he told me to put some deodorant on his armpits hahah and he kept telling me to put more and more on and Wells was just laughing at me the whole time hahah. Anyways, we got him ready and then got him to church! After sacrament meeting elder Carreon and I made some pancakes for our investigators so that was way hype. My boy Jose was loving him some hot cakes! After Sunday school we decided to take Jose into a different room instead of going to the priesthood class. So that we could explain some stuff about the priesthood first. After we explained some stuff we started talking about the other three times that he has been baptized before with other churches. However, they didn’t have this authority, so his baptisms weren’t valid and then we talked a little bit more about baptism and we asked him when he thinks he would be ready to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and he said that he wants to be baptized this next Sunday! The Spirit filled the room, honestly it was so strong I lowkey thought about crying haha. 

The other miracle took place this past week, we were out contacting, and we knocked this door and before we said anything this lady invited us in and said she would go get her daughter from the other room. So, then we started talking with her daughter Aondra (who is 22 and had 2 kids) and it turns out she had been listing to the lessons with other missionaries, however, she moved and lost contact. We started teaching lesson three and then near the end of the lesson I proceeded to recite the baptismal invitation and like three words in to the invitation she said yes so that was way hype! We went and visited her again on Saturday and we were talking about her kids and what not and then she proceeds to say that she bought a suit for her son who is about 10 months old; so he could look fresh for his baptism. We had already explained in the last lesson that baptism needs to be performed at an age of accountability when the person understands good and evil and actually has sins. Then she was like yah I know that’s why I need to get baptized again and everything, However, we already bought the suit, so we might as well use it... Anyways, she came to church with us on Sunday and there was a baby blessing. So, I explained a little bit about the blessing and then told her that sometimes parents buy little suits or dresses just like the one she bought her son and then I told her that her son could use that suit here and even receive a blessing and everything and she was like "that’s a great idea". Then we all ate some Pancakes and we set up a family home evening for tonight with Alondra and a family from the ward. The baptismal date we set during the first lesson was for this week on the 11th so we are going to work with her this week to help her prepare. We are going to make sure she doesn’t feel pressured though so it's possible that we might end up putting it back another week or two. 

I have such a strong testimony that everything happens for a reason and that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of his children which is why he had led us to find his children that are ready to hear, accept, and live the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I remember back in the CCM when Elder Atkin and I (who didn’t know any Spanish) went and bore testimony to two construction workers about the Book of Mormon in the CCM and then next time we saw them he was already reading in Mosiah. All I gotta say is that THE CHURCH IS TRUE. 

The gainz are still food and the surgeon is still grinding haha. Oh, and this world is way too small hahah. Yesterday we went to eat dinner with a family and I was like who is this white guy hanging up on your wall. Then the lady said that he was her son in law. So, I was like there is a 99% chance this guy is from Utah and he probably served his mission here or something. Turns out he served his mission here, he is from Morgan, Utah, oh and him and his wife (who is from Frontera) have been living in Layton, Utah (my home town... Shout out to the 801) for the past 10 years or so. Hahah I didn’t really recognize them but I’m definitely going to chill with them when I get home haha.

Oh, and quick shout out to the family for sending the package this week! 

Much love/ Elder Ceb

1. Package from my family!

2. Pancakes at the church

3. She has some family in Layton so that's hype

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