Monday, August 5, 2019

These truly have been the best two years of my life!

Shout out to all of my fans!! 

This will possibly be my last group email. My time here in Mexico is about to end. In 9 days, I will be heading home and this 2-year spiritual journey will get its fairytale ending with a hug from my beloved Mother. As I am currently sitting here in this Internet CafĂ©, I took a minute to write a couple letters of gratitude to my family members who have helped me during this journey. Tears quickly filled my eyes and they still haven't left. I love each and every one of them so very much and I have grown so close to them during this time despite the 2534.5 km (1,575 mile) distance between us. 

 My time here in Coahuila Mexico serving as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has been phenomenal! Here in the Mexico Saltillo Mission, we often recite the vision of a successful missionary that the Lord revealed to President Cahoon. It talks about us having a mighty change of heart during our time as the Lord’s servants on his errand working day and night in His Vineyard. During these past two years, I can say that I truly have had a mighty change of heart! I have grown to love the people here so very much. I have also grown to love each and every one of my companions. My experience here has been remarkable. 

These truly have been the best two years of my life. It hasn’t always been easy, in fact it has actually been very hard. However, I have been able to rejoice over and over again with the amazing people of Coahuila and I think that the only way to express my feelings would be that I have felt the joy of Ammon over and over again!!! Chapter 26 of the Book of Alma is one of my favorite chapters from the Book of Mormon. I invite you all to read it, I perceive that there is no greater feeling in the world. This is why I am convinced that these have been the best two years, and they will always hold a special place in my heart. 

The vision that President Cahoon wrote for the mission also talks about constantly finding and teaching by the Spirit. I have learned how to better recognize spiritual promptings during my time here and I have also learned how to seek revelation. Following the Spirit has been something that has made a big impact on me. I can recall so many times when the Spirit told me to talk with a specific person, to return to visit a person that we had previously taught, to ask a specific question, and so much more. There are two verses about the Holy Ghost that I just love to share with all of the people that we teach. 2 Nephi 32:5 and Moroni 10:5.

For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do. 

 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

The Holy Ghost is a member of the trinity, he is a God and he is perfect. It is amazing how much we can do with him by our side. Over this time, he has worked so many miracles that I was privileged to see and to be a part of as an instrument in the Lord’s hands; I will never forget these miracles. 

I know with certainty that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church upon the face of the earth. I know that God lives and that he loves each and every one of us. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple and easy to understand. I know that the truth is the truth and that it has always been the truth and that it will always be the truth. As members of the Lord’s church, we rejoice of the fullness of the truth. I testify of the power and authority along with the priesthood keys that were restored upon this earth as the dispensation of the fulfilling of times was opened through a humble prophet who was pre-ordained known to man as Joseph Smith Jr. I testify that he is a prophet, I could never deny how I felt the first time that I read his recall of the first vision as I truly pondered his words and his experience. That day I received the confirmation through the Holy Spirit that he is a Prophet and that he was called of God. I know, and I testify that God the Father and Jesus the Christ truly did appear unto him in the Sacred Grove in the year 1820. He translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God. I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that it contains nothing but the truth. I have a firm testimony of the Book of Mormon, I have learned so very much from it. It even taught me the Spanish language. Reading it each and every day has helped me to come to know this difficult language in the short period of just two years. I also testify of the gift of tongues, the Lord blessed me with it so that I could share this testimony with all of the amazing people here in Coahuila. I could continue to testify and testify and testify of many things, I know all of this with certainty and I will state it again- I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church upon the face of this earth. Amen

See you all soon!
Much love,
Elder Cebollero
1. Gonna miss this Mexican desert

2. Rip Mexican food... this salsa is my dad

 3. Saying goodbye to all these great people is so hard!

4.  Some cool members from the ward here in Allende

Elder Cebollero's Homecoming

We loved hearing Elder Cebollero speak in our church about his mission and hearing his beautiful testimony.  After church, we had a taco bar...