Monday, January 29, 2018

Que Onda?

Que onda? 

Another week out here chillin’ in Frontera! The gainz are still goood and the surgeon is still grinding haha. 

I don’t really have much time today, however, this week went really good! We set three more baptismal dates this past week. So, we have a lot of work to do out here! 

Much love / Elder Ceb

1. Carne Asada

2. Love Carne Asada

3. Lol lol Trump TP

4. Yoxan!

5. With Elder Oldham

Monday, January 22, 2018

Zone Conference, Spanglish and Gainz Confession Time

Hola Hola!!! We still out here grinding in Mexico! 

Everything is going pretty good at the moment. We had our zone conference his past Wednesday and it went really good. Then Thursday we all got together as a zone to play volleyball and dodgeball while we took turns interviewing with President! My day one CCM boy Elder Oldham came and stayed with us on Wednesday night because their area is really far away from the stake center, so it was good to be able to work with him once again in Frontera! 

This week we found a really good group of investigators. Every week we find at least 16 new investigators, however, they can’t just be contacts, they have to have a lesson and another appointment set up to counts as a new investigator. It's not necessarily easy to find 16 every week, however, we have been promised that if we diligently find 16 real investigators every week we will baptize two converts every single month as a companionship.

Friday morning before lunch we were working in the col. Elder Borjas and I had a feeling that we should stop by one of our new investigators from last week’s 16, named Jose. We started talking with him and then proceeded to teach the lesson about the gospel of Jesus Christ, with an emphasis on the gift of the Holy Ghost. He was baptized about three years ago in a different Christian church, but he never received the Holy Ghost. So that really intrigued him. We ended up committing him to be baptized in February! We asked him to say the closing prayer after the lesson, as he prayed he proceeded to say how grateful he was to be able to have us missionaries with him to help him to be able to truly repent and be baptized with the proper authority. We have only met with him twice, however, I have already seen him change so much as he has started reading the Book of Mormon. I’m so excited to continue to work with him this next week.

Saturday morning, we stopped by Merco and I bought a cake for one of our investigators Hermana Izabell!! (It cost 30 pesos which is like $1.50 haha) Anyways, she was at work when we stopped by to give her the cake, but her daughter said she would give it to her haha so hopefully the cake wasn’t gone when she got home haha, we'll find out on Thursday when we stop by to teach her.

Saturday afternoon we were contacting, and I went and knocked on this door... When this guy started yelling in English "what are you selling" hahah. Anyways, he came outside, and we started talking and he was a white guy that was born in Texas and then basically lived his whole life in Mexico since he was a little kid. Until he was 18 when he tried to go back to the United States and they wouldn’t let him into the country, so he had to stay in Mexico... (hopefully the same thing doesn’t happen to me hahah). He was talking in "Spanglish" the whole time which is just like a mix of like three of four words in English and then like three or four in Spanish hahah. Then he kinda forgot all of his English so I basically just had to talk to him in Spanish haha. 

Sunday morning the surgeon decided to wear the tie I made last week to church. Everyone was pretty impressed with my sewing skills and now my brand is the second most hype brand here in Mexico after all of the fake Gucci haha. 

Oh, and I actually have a little bit of a confession about gainz..... Over the last little while I’ve been skipping leg day haha because arms are way more important lol. This week I’m going to start hitting legs again though! I think I’m going to throw some classic Cory G Lunges in everyday after my workouts!!! 

Thanks for all the love and support / Hope my emails aren’t too boring / much love

Elder Ceb

1. Main man Elder Oldham

2. The cake for Hermana Isabel

3. It's LIT

4. The surgeon's tie from last week

5. Close up of the cake!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Solid work with solid homies

Que onda?

These weeks go by way too fast.... Anyways, this Tuesday I had inner changes with Elder Oldham one of my boys from the CCM. So, he came and joined me in Frontera and my comp went to San Buena. It was way chill to catch up with one of the Day 1 Saltillo boys ha and we put some solid work in! We found some cool investigators and then later we ate some gringas on the roof of our apartment. 

The rest of the week was basically just the normal grind... Wake up at 6:30 get a nice workout in at Golds. Then make a protein shake and get ready for the day. After my protein shake, we study for a little bit and then finish planning our day. Then after I finish up some Language study around 10:30 we go out and work for a couple of hours and then go eat lunch with different members at 2:00. After we finish eating we just keep on grinding until around 9 or 9:30! When we get back to the apartment I study a little bit more, do some ab workouts, and then sometimes the Surgeon goes to work!

Last week I mentioned one of the surgeon’s projects...  Anyways, I had this plain black tie and this like gold tie with black lines... So, I took the black tie and then I slimmed it and gave it a square bottom! Then I cut it at the top and sewed on the top of the gold tie, so it would have a gold knot! Then I cut up the gold tie and sewed it across the black tie hahah and it actually turned out pretty good lol! #Frankenstein 

Much love, Elder Ceb


2. Gringas with Elder Oldham!

3. Chillin with my boy Elder Carreon


5. Newest tie from the surgeon! #Frankenstein

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Dia de Reyes Magos

Que onda? Esta Iluminado (It's lit) Shout out to T-$cott aka Elder Murray ðŸ”¥

This week/year started out way way way cold. The pipes in our house like froze or something like that so we didn’t have water until Wednesday afternoon when it warmed up a little bit. Being here in Mexico this winter has made me so grateful for my house back home in Utah: because when it’s cold here it’s like ten times colder inside all of the houses.

This week I spoke tons of English... which was both good and bad haha. Over the last two changes all of the other missionaries in my district were Latinos so I never spoke any English. However, this change we got two gringos. Elder Smith (from Bountiful, UT) and Elder Oldham (from Spanish Fork, UT) in our district! It's nice to talk a little bit of English lol but Spanish is definitely way better ha! 

One of our zone leaders Elder Wells was with us on Friday and Saturday. So, Saturday morning I pulled out the book of gainz and we hit a good chest and back workout. It definitely made me miss my gym buddy Elder Brant who's serving a mission in Compton at the moment.

Saturday afternoon Elder Carreon and I were contacting and there was an older lady sweeping up a bunch of garbage in front of her house. So, we helped her clean it all up and then we were talking to her and she said that she made some tamales out of deer meat haha. Anyways, after we talked with her for a bit she gave us a bag of deer tamales lol.

Later Saturday night Hermana Coty invited us over to her mom’s house to celebrate the "Día de Reyes Magos." So, we ate a "Rosca" which is just like a really sweet bread. Anyways, there is like these little plastic angel things in the bread and everyone cuts off the piece of bread they want and if there is a little plastic thingy then they have to buy tamales for everyone on February 2nd lol. I had one on my piece, so I have to buy some tamales ha and Elder Ortega had two, so he has to buy a bunch lol! 

Sunday night after church we were contacting in Coccidental and we ended up close to Hermana Muchoco’s house, so we decided we would stop by for a second. Turns out they were having a carne asada, so they invited us in! It was a great night mainly because we ate lots and lots of protein!

Oh, and if anyone’s wondering, the surgeon is still out here grinding ha! I sewed like four ties this week, and I’m working on a special project at the moment that I should finish up this week! 

Thanks for all the love/ Amor mucho / Elder Ceb  

1. Elder Ceb on Dia de Reyes Magos (three kings day)

2. It's way too cold out here!

3. Chillin with Elder Vaquero

4. CTR

5. New boots!

6. Carne Asada

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Feliz año nuevo from Mexico!

Hola Hola!!! Feliz año nuevo!!! 

Time is going by way too fast. This past week I finished my twelfth week in the field, so I’m officially done with training ha. We have cambios (changes) again tomorrow, and I’ll be staying here in Frontera once again with Elder Carreon! 

This past week went pretty good, I accidently went viral on Facebook.... Thursday night we were visiting one of our investigators whose kids are members. Anyways, they invited us to eat dinner with them and then when we were about to leave. One of the kids asked if I had seen the viral "se va a hacer o no se va hacer la carnita asada" video then they asked if I would say the little saying because I’m a gringo ha... Anyways, the next day everyone at the ward Christmas party was coming up to me and saying that I was famous. I had no idea what they were talking about but then everyone started showing me this video... hahah I don’t really know what to think about this video...  Don’t get me wrong its cool to go viral and all; but it’s probably not the best thing for a missionary. 

Like I mentioned above, we had our ward Christmas party this last week! It went really good, we ate a bunch of carne asada, sang some karaoke, ate some tres leches cake, and of course a piñata haha because it’s not a Mexican fiesta without a piñata! We had some investigators come to the party, so it was great for them to interact with some of the members! 

This week I received some packages from the fam so that was great! Shout out to the little sis McKall for sending some of her famous fudge! oh and Shout out to my mom for restocking the ties haha. I think the surgeon is going to do a couple of surgeries this week! 

Don’t forget to renew your memberships at golds gym this year! On the real though if you don’t have a membership at golds you should definitely go get one because it’s the second-best gym on the earth. Oh, and if you’re wondering, the best gym on the earth is here in Mexico in my suitcases haha! 

- Much love - Elder Ceb

New ties from the fam!

Yoxan's Christmas gifts



Feliz Año Nuevo!

Christmas dinner

Picking up my package from Hermana Coty

McKall's famous fudge!

Feliz Navidad from Mexico!

¡Feliz NaviDAD! Hope everyone is having a good Christmas. I’m gonna keep this email pretty short today and just fill everyone in on how we celebrate Christmas out here in Mexico! 

Well first off, we eat lots and lots of tamales ha (pretty sure I’ve ate tamales at least twice or three times a week all of December) lol. Oh, and Sunday night Elder Carreon and I actually got to learn how to make some tamales, so HMU when I get home if you want some "rico tamales"! 

Sunday the 24th Elder Carreon and I gave talks in sacrament meeting once again. I talked about our Savior Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas and then I talked a little bit about ward missionary work. I shared D&C 18:10-16 which brought both topics together really well because these verses talk about our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ and his sacrifice so all of us have the opportunity to repent, and then about the joy that we can receive from missionary work! 

After church we went and ate lunch and then went back to the church to get ready to skype our families. It was way weird to speaks some English ha at some points I was actually translating my thoughts from Spanish to English so I could talk with the fam ha. Anyways, it was good to talk with the family, can’t wait to skype again on Mother’s Day! 

After we finished skyping our families last night; we went over to a member’s house and ate some dinner and then helped prepare some tamales! The surgeon’s hands aren’t only good for sewing ties ha-ha turns out they are actually way good for making some tamales hah! 

Thanks for all the love! Don’t forget the true meaning of Christmas! 

- Much love - Elder Ceb

Elder Ceb skyping with the family!

Christmas lights with Elder Vaquero

Making tamales with the best family in Coahilla!

Elder Carreon and I with the Christmas stockings from my fam!

Elder Cebollero's Homecoming

We loved hearing Elder Cebollero speak in our church about his mission and hearing his beautiful testimony.  After church, we had a taco bar...