Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The adventure continues in Monclova!

Hola! Hola! 
I don’t have much time, so I’m going to keep this email pretty short...
I have been really sick for the past couple of weeks so last Monday night I finally went and saw a doctor... and apparently, I might have the Zika virus. I don’t really know much about it but I’m still alive so I should be fine. 
Craziest thing happened this week ha! Elder Cruz and I were walking down the street and we get this call from a member in the ward, and she said she was in a small town just across the border over in Texas talking to an Elder from Utah that spoke English... Anyways I start talking to this Elder ha and it just so happened to be Elder Sam Hunter (my good friend from high school serving in the San Antonio Texas Mission) hah small world!!! 
 Last week I said I was going to get a buzz cut, but I couldn’t get myself to do it ha... So I just cut it really short, and maybe I’ll get a buzz next time ha! 
Much Love-
Elder Ceb

Pulled out the fur hat for the cold!

Always posing with Arnold!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Christmas came early in Monclova!

Christmas came early!!! Today I bought a pair of 25-pound dumbbells and a pair of 40-pound dumbbells, so it’s basically Christmas out here. Overall though, it’s been a pretty good week! My Spanish has improved immensely. I can actually understand most people, so that’s been a huge blessing. Some people still speak a different language ha but I can communicate with them when they start speaking Spanish ha. 
So I made it through all six weeks in the CCM without giving a talk, and I made it through my first Sunday here without giving one. However, this Sunday I finally got the opportunity. Well kind of, last Sunday the bishop asked my companion and I to prepare talks for this Sunday. However, I’m not sure if he forgot or it was just because we were short on time yesterday but anyways we didn’t end up giving talks yesterday ha. So my streak is still going strong until next week... I was actually feeling pretty good about the talk that I wrote for yesterday. So I was kind of excited to give it, but I can always just translate it and use it for my Homecoming talk! 
This week a figured out how to teach the Restoration with a Rubik’s cube so that’s been really good for our lessons. I had heard of elders using Rubik’s cubes for lessons, but I had never heard how they used them... However, this week when we were teaching the Restoration it clicked. So now when we teach about the Restoration, when we talk about the Savior’s earth ministry. We emphasize four main things the Savior’s church had, prophets, apostles, priesthood, and revelations with the four sides of the Rubik’s cube. Then we talked about the great apostasy as I mix the Rubik’s cube up. After that as we talk about the first vison and the Restoration of the gospel that Jesus Christ taught, I solve the Rubik’s cube. This shows that through Joseph Smith the four principles were restored, and now we have prophets, apostles, priesthood, and revelation, once again on the earth today. We have taught the restoration a couple of times this way this week, and it has worked great. The restoration is definitely one of my favorite lessons because the spirit never fails to fill the room. 
Much love, 
Elder Ceb
Oh and I might get a buzz cut today so wish me luck haha... 

My best friend! (Spanish-english dictionary) 

Arnold makes another appearance 

Pizza with some of the other elders serving in Monclova!

Gold's Gym in a suitcase! 

Monday, October 16, 2017

First Week in Frontera Monclova with Elder Cruz!

First week in paradise haha! I got to Saltillo last Monday and then we met the president and had a basic orientation and all of that good stuff, and then we went over to the mission office to meet up with some other Elders and place some Book of Mormons around Saltillo. Soon after I walked into the mission office this Elder came up to me and asked how I knew some members of this ward in Saltillo. Of course I had a huge look of confusion on my face because I had never heard of these names, so he had someone translate lol, but I understood what he said the first time so I was just as confused after he said it in English. I had no idea how my parents would know anyone in Saltillo Mexico. Anyways, still a little confused the APs assigns us comps to go place some Book of Mormons around Saltillo and they assigned me with the Elder that said he knows some people in Saltillo who knew my parents. So I started talking with this Elder, and he said that we were going to go over to their house after we placed some Book of Mormons and visited some other members in the ward. Then we went outside the mission office, called for a taxi, and then he told me to sit in the front and talk to the cab driver ha. I noticed he had a Jesus bobble head on his dash, so I just started talking to him about his job and just about like the city of Saltillo and stuff. Then I brought up the bobble head and asked him if he was religious and he said he didn’t have a specific religion but he loved Jesus. So I asked him if he wanted another testament of Jesus Christ (el Libro de Mormon) but he quickly shut me down. I kept talking to him for the rest of the ride and then I asked him if he wanted a picture of Jesus and then I gave him a pass a long card!

Then we went and talked with people in the street and we placed a couple of Book of Mormons! Then we went over to the house of the family that said they knew my parents. When we got to their house, there was a girl that was probably about nineteen and she said that she talks to my mom all the time. So long story short, she got her mission call to Argentina and she posted about it on the Missionaries Coming Soon page on Instagram and when my mom noticed she was from Saltillo she commented and they have been talking ever since! 

After we talked with a couple of other members in that ward we went back to the mission office. Then all of the new missionaries went over to the APs house to stay the night. We went back to the mission office Tuesday morning, to have a couple of more orientations and then find out where we will serve first, and who we will serve with.  Anyways, my first area is Frontera Monclova, and my trainer (dad) is Elder Cruz from El Salvador. He doesn’t really speak any English but he’s a really cool guy so I was stoked to get to my first area! 

After lunch we packed up and then got on a bus for like three hours or so until we arrived in Monclova. Then we went over to the apartment and there’s lowkey cockroaches in the place so rip to me. Besides the cockroaches the apartment is actually not to bad, it was a mess when we got here but its getting better every day. 

The next morning, we had a Zone Conference. My comp Elder Cruz has been in Monclova for the past three weeks but he was in a different area so we are both new to Frontera. So we went and talked with members and started contacting new investigators. I had been feeling kind of sick my last couple of days in the CCM and it kept getting worse. So by Wednesday, My first full day in Monclova I didn’t really have much of a voice plus for some reason my ears wouldn’t adjust for about two or three days. So I could barely hear anyone and it was really hard to talk. So as you can imagine this made my first couple of days in Monclova were great lol. I made a great first impression with some of the members because I had to have them repeat simple stuff that I usually understand but it was difficult to hear because of my ears. Plus when I tried to say certain words that I have never had a problem pronouncing before they didn’t come out right because my voice was messed up. To be honest, this made my first couple of days way hard and I was kind of starting to get down on myself.

However, when we were in this lesson and we talked with this nineteen-year-old young man about the restoration. We showed him a video of the first vision. After the video we talked with him for a bit, and then I looked over and he was really calm, he just had this look of peace to him, and a little bit of water in his eye. I asked him if he was alright, and he replied with a little smile and a thumbs up. At this moment I remembered why I’m out here in the middle of Mexico, and that my personal problems with my voice and my ears, don’t matter at all because they are only temporal, and this work is eternal. 

Over the next couple of days we started to figure out this area and I have come to the conclusion that the people in Monclova speak a different Spanish then everyone else in Mexico. Haha even after my ears adjusted I have still had a hard time understanding people because they talk way fast and it’s almost like they put words together, and if you ask me they probably just make up some of these words, because I definitely didn’t learn them in the CCM. It gets a little bit better every day though So I’m sure I’ll be fine in like a year or two. 

Food wise, we eat a big meal with members everyday around like two or three. All of the food so far has been great. For anyone wondering how I still keep my gainz around here, for breakfast I eat a Quest protein bar that I put in the microwave and then for dinner I eat a Pure protein bar that I put in the freezer lol.

Quick surgeon update, I showed my comp Elder Cruz some of the ties the surgeon did in the CCM. Lol and we worked out a deal where he cleans the house while I work on his ties ha! 

Much Love, 
Elder Ceb

With my trainer, Elder Cruz from El Salvador!

The trainers, trainees and President and Sister Cahoon

Elder Cruz before and after the surgeon fixed his tie!

Thumbs up until next week! Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers! 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Elder Cebollero's first email from Saltillo!

I finally made it to Saltillo! 
Tonight, we get to go out into the real world and start proselytizing to real people, in real Spanish ha so wish me luck! Tomorrow we find out who our trainers are and where we will serve first. As always thanks so much for all of the love and support, I’m excited to serve the people of Saltillo!
Lol sorry the letter is a little short this week we don’t have much time, and I’m sure I will have a bunch to talk about next week. 
Much love, 
Elder Ceb

Lunch with President and Sister Cahoon


We made it to Saltillo! 

Last CCM pictures!

Elder Cebollero and Atkin

Elder Cebollero and Taylor 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Last week in the CCM!

Just about done with my last week in the CCM! Can’t wait to get into the mission field, so I can start serving the people of Saltillo Mexico.
The surgeon has been pretty busy this week. I have finally perfected the art of making ties skinner! When I performed my first surgery on Elder Atkin's tie a couple of weeks ago the front of the tie looked perfect, however, the back looked like it had been stitched up by a two-year-old…haha. My last couple of surgeries have gone perfect, and since I have managed to hide the stitching, so it is almost impossible to tell the ties have been altered. 

The Latinos that arrive in Saltillo the same day as us have been in the CCM for just over two weeks. It's been great to get to know them, I hope I get to serve with them. They all have a goal to learn English while they serve. One of the Elders pretends like he doesn’t know English and he refers to himself as a gringo all day. Then he says he is from Provo Utah haha. One of the other elders has been trying to learn how to read, so when I got a letter from my brother this week about his football game... He read it aloud in English and had me translate the words for him! 

My Latino Comp Elder Flores left the CCM this week! He is going to do great things in Santa Cruz. Can’t wait to chill with him when he comes and visits Utah! 

This week Elder Atkin and I were a part of a little trio with Elder Thacker. He was in the same Latino district as Elder Flores, but they all left a day before him so he was supposed to have two missionaries come pick him up at reception at two in the morning after he dropped his old companion off to head to the airport. His new companions never came so he had to sleep on the reception floor haha. He told us about his little adventure when we were at breakfast, and since he was still companionless Elder Atkin and I adopted him. He taught himself Spanish as he worked in the fields in Oregon, he is basically fluent so I still find it hard to believe he isn’t a Latino lol. 

Elder Atkin and I were able to talk to Tony (the Construction worker at the CCM) a couple of times this week. He said that he went over to the LDS chapel that is across the street from the CCM and watched conference with his uncle! The hardest part of leaving the CCM has got to be that I won’t be able to watch Tony progress anymore as he reads the Book of Mormon. However, we gave his phone number to some missionary outside the CCM so he should be able to receive all of the lessons soon!  

I'm so glad we had the opportunity to hear from our General Authorities this last weekend! I got so much out of each and every talk. Today we get to go to the Mexico City Temple again. I had such a great experience that last time we went, I'm excited to go again this afternoon!

Hope everyone has a great week! Much love! 
- Elder Ceb 

With Elder Florez and Tyler the Creator

Adios Elder Flores! (That's the tie I made him last week)

With Elder Thacker 

The first tie the surgeon operated on vs. one of the more recent ones

Birthday boy Elder Atkin!

Cebollero, Atkin & Taylor

Elder Cebollero's Homecoming

We loved hearing Elder Cebollero speak in our church about his mission and hearing his beautiful testimony.  After church, we had a taco bar...