Monday, September 17, 2018

Proud to share my testimony every day!

Sept. 17, 2018

This week went way goood! Feeling great about the Mission life at the moment.

So, this week I had a some really cool experiences! I went on Divisones with a companionship in my Zone- Elder Damuni and Elder Smith. They are both really cool dudes and are both about to finish their missions in like 30 days. We set two solid baptism dates and they already completed one last weekend! It is actually a way cool story, and it lowkey counts as my baptism too! (he is definitely my convert though).

We visited an older gentleman that has been fighting cancer. When we started talking with him we could tell he was in a grave condition, he was trembling and even crying a little bit. As we talked with him the Spirit was very strong in the room and it was as if everyone just felt he needed to be baptized and confirmed last week. So, I ended up doing his interview and he was full of faith not a doubt in his mind! As I interviewed him, I bore my testimony various times and the last time before we wrapped it up, the Spirit was so strong. I testified that this covenant was going to help make things possible for him to live with his family (who by the way are all members of the church), and with God the Eternal Father, and with our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ!  We put the baptismal date for Friday, and he was baptized and confirmed this past weekend! Such a cool experience, it was definitely a unique experience because he isn’t taking medicine or anything to cope with his cancer, so he is in a really grave state. He has not been able to leave the house because he needs his oxygen tank... however everything was arranged so that he was able to be baptized! 

While I was with Elder Damuni and Elder Smith, we also set another baptismal date with a PF (Part Member Family) for the 29th. It was super dope to work with the both of them- I met Elder Smith during my training back in Monclova, and I met Elder Damuni over three years ago at a BYU football game that my boy Tayler Katoa took me to haha! Anyways, me and Damuni are super tight these days, he is definitely going to be a part of the last kings of Aphrodite! #alphadad 

This past Sunday I had the privilege to speak once again haha! I honestly have the biggest testimony that my Mission President is called of God and that he receives revelation to guide this mission. Being in Palau (my last area) for six months taught me so many things! I had to give talks very often and teach like every single class on Sundays haha! It taught me so much and humbled me a bunch. Plus, when I was in Palau I had the opportunity to be comps with Elder Leon and he is a great teacher, so it helped me so much! This past Sunday as I talked. everything flowed super dope haha! I talked for a solid 15 or 20 min and I felt like I was in General conference or something haha… just spitting straight doctrine hehe! #futureMason 

As I talked I shared a little bit about how we prepared as a mission to hear from Elder Bednar, and I would like to challenge you all to do the same so that we can all be prepared for upcoming stake conferences and for this next general conference. Search, ponder, and apply the talks from the last general conference as you do the same with an hour daily of Book of Mormon study! Trust me you will not regret it! 

All I gotta say is that this is the truth! Proud to be able to share my testimony every day! 

Much love,
Elder Ceb
1.     The owner let us into the gym for free today haha now me and him are like best friends! Shout out to the old gym buddies Logan and Karson haha love you guys, and can´t wait to hit Golds again! 

2.     Que honda perros! I love you all! 

3.      The older gentleman that has cancer. Such a privilege to be with him! We became great friends in the short time we spent together, I will never forget him

4.     Money ain’t a problem out here in MX... ha!

5.     Some fresh cops! Hehe

6. Chilling with the boys! #lastkingsofaphrodite

 7. Elder Smith and Elder Ceb

8. Loving the mission

9. A tie slimmed by the surgeon himself! Special shout out to my dad for sending me the tie! 

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