Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy one year mark!!

August 27, 2018

Que honda vatos? 

Life is too goood! Especially that mission life hahah! So, this week I’m officially going to hit my 1-year mark in the Mission so that’s super dope! My parents sent a really sweet package this week and I got anxious, so I already opened it haha! Oh, and my mom is going to have a birthday this week! Love you so much mom, hope you have the best one, treat yourself to a cafe rio tres leches cake on me! 

This week went way good! I have like no time to talk about it lol rip... but Elder Bednar with be here on Friday so that’s hype! 

Love you all, 

Keep it real

Much love,

Elder Ceb

1. Probably one of the best meals I've had yet! 

2. My 1 Year package! 

3. Repping my new sandals hehe

4. Thanks fam for the sandals!

5. Making some tortillas de harnia for p-day

 6. Tortilla Experts!

 7. Still flexing!

 8. #dad

9. Loving the one year package!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Sweet is the Work

August 20, 2018

What a great week! 

So, to start things of, we baptized Annia this week, so that was sweet! She is the sweetest girl and I was so hyped when she asked me to baptize her! The baptism went really well, and her two cousins came to the baptismal service along with her cousin’s friend! They also stayed for our activity on Saturday night, and they came to church on Sunday! We have an appointment with them tomorrow and plan on putting a baptismal date with them for this week or the next! 

This Saturday we had a huge Branch talent show, it was a huge hit! We had over 20 investigators there and everyone had a great time! The activity really helped with the attendance in church.  We had 75 people in church and the branch high for the past year was just over 50!  We also had 11 investigators in church so that was sweet! A good amount of the investigators that we brought come from part member families, so reactivating them helped a lot with the attendance! 

Today in the morning during my study time I finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish! I love the Book of Mormon so much! Make sure to read it every day for the rest of your life, you won’t regret it! 

I have so much more stuff I want to write, however, I have no time so hopefully I can write some more next week! 

Much love, 

Elder Ceb

1. Annia's baptism (With my new companion Elder Rodriguez)

3. We had a really dope FHE last night! Everyone was crying as they shared the story of their baptism.  

4. Louis V Jeje… lmk if you want some Versace or Gucci... I’ve got the plug here in Muzquiz

Monday, August 13, 2018

Miracles through simple acts of obedience

August 13, 2018

Que tranza morros? Muzquiz is dope, we are out here grinding! Legit have no time rip…so this will be another quick one. 

This past week Elder Rodriguez and I strived really hard to work with these members in Muzquiz, since we are basically white washing. We can already see lots of success! Two weeks ago, we found a part member family with a young daughter and she has come to church for the past two Sundays! We have her on for a baptism date for this week and everything is looking great! We had two really good FHE’s last week and we have two planned for this evening! The first one we have planned is going to be with a really active family along with some inactive members, a recent convert, and 4 or 5 investigators. We are really excited for this FHE! Then following this FHE we have another FHE with the family of the part member family we are going to baptize this Saturday! We also have a couple of other FHE's planned for this week with some other part member families! Elder Sabey did a great job here; we are working hard to run with it!

I am excited to help Elder Rodriguez, he is a great Elder and really wants to baptize! He is from Bolivia so that’s way dope, his accent is hype. I have been able to see lots of Miracles during my mission through simple acts of obedience, and Elder Rodriguez and I are going to see many more through our Obedience! Actually, speaking of miracles, my companion and I were walking down the street a couple of days ago when an older lady greeted us. I felt prompted to talk to her, and as we began to talk she mentioned that she is a member of the church, and that she has two grandkids that live with her that want to be baptized! We went to their house the other day, and they live really humbly so we are going to go over there this week and do some service! 

Things are looking really good out here in Muzquiz!

Much love,

Elder Ceb

 1. I forgot to mention this in my emails, but everyone used to know me as the model of Palau haha! 

2. Finally got to meet my boy Elder Damuni! He is way dope. He is my boy TK's cousin and we have been joking around for a while that I was going to be his last comp in Saltillo; however, he ended up getting changed down here to Rosita, so he will most likely finish his mish here! 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Moving over to Muzquiz

August 6, 2018

Wow! What a crazy day... I don’t even know how to explain everything hahah. So, when people get called as trainers people call them "dads" and when people finish the training of a new elder they are called "moms". So, I don’t know if this makes sense haha but I basically miscarried… haha... 

So long story short I went to Saltillo yesterday afternoon with Elder Sabey so that we could sign some papers to renew are visas! We were planning on heading back on the bus Sunday night so that we could spend our P-day in our area. Then as we were about to leave the offices and head back on a bus to Rosita the assistants called me into President’s office and called me as a trainer! I was super excited because the two new elders that were supposed to get here tomorrow are from Brazil, so it was about to be Hype. So, the plan was that I would spend the night in Saltillo and then spend P-day with some elders in Saltillo and then my kid (the elder I was going to train) was going to show up on Tuesday morning from Brazil. However, this morning we got a call from Mexico City and the elder I was going to train got reassigned for a bit because of visa problems or something like that. So, since we have no idea if or when he will get here President is sending a different elder up here to join me in Muzquiz and Elder Leon my old companion is going to train the Brazilian that will show up tomorrow in Palau! 

I’m not sure if that all makes sense haha, but I don’t have much time and I am way tired since I have done over 15 hours of traveling on busses over the past two days... 

So, like I stated above I’m going to be here in Muzquiz for these next couple of weeks! It should be fun to work with this branch! We have a really great branch Presidency here so that will help a bunch! We actually even BAPTIZED two here in Muzquiz this past week, so it will be cool to work with some of their family members who came to the baptism! The two people we baptize are way coool, they are two young adults who have been coming to church here in Muzquiz for about 6 months or so and they recently decided to be baptized! Their names are Amaliah and Odeles and they are both way cooool, Amaliah always reads the Book of Mormon and calls to ask Elder Sabey and I very profound questions! She is currently reading in Alma and has already read the pearl of great price! They both have really strong testimonies; the Spirit was way strong at the baptism! 

I’m out of time haha, 

So, I will write more next week,

Much love,

Elder Ceb

1. Amalia's and Odeles's baptisms! 

 2-4. Ran into some other Day One Saltillo boys last night in the offices because we all had to sign our visa papers! 

5. Family history with some of my converts from Palau! Elder Sabey is a beast at Family Search btw! 

6-8. Repping the soccer jerseys Elder Sabey and I bought! 

Elder Cebollero's Homecoming

We loved hearing Elder Cebollero speak in our church about his mission and hearing his beautiful testimony.  After church, we had a taco bar...