Monday, November 26, 2018

Nothing better than a Thanksgiving feast and baptisms

This week was super gooooood! We had THREE baptisms and Elder Atkin and I prepared a huge Thanksgiving feast for our district here in Ramos. 

Last Monday Elder Atkin and I went to H.E.B. and we bought a bunch of Thanksgiving American food like stuffing, gravy, corn and a few other things. Then on Thursday morning my comp and I contacted some people outside of Costco and they let us use their membership so that we could get in haha. Then once we made our way into the store, I bought a huge key lime pie and a huge pumpkin pie and a couple of other things to complete are little Thanksgiving feast in Mexico! Elder Atkin and I are the only Americans in the district, everyone had a great time though. We have some Elders and Sisters form Mexico in our district and two sisters from Peru so they all really enjoyed their first Thanksgiving. 

On Saturday we baptized Ricardo, Stacy and Meredith. I got to baptize Ricardo and Meredith and my comp baptized Stacy! It was a really great baptismal service. We found this family like 2 weeks ago when we were doing a little service on our p-day. We helped a less active family get their kids to school, and while we were there, Meredith’s mom came and talked to me and gave us their address. When we got to their house, we found out that they had recently gotten here to Ramos. Forty of them live together and they are all members, except for the ones we just baptized ha, but now they all are members. I confirmed Ricardo on Sunday and the Spirit was super strong as I confirmed him. He can´t read because he is not registered in school, however, he has progressed a lot in these past couple of weeks. As I blessed him, I felt a really strong prompting to tell him that he would be able to read, and I thought that was really cool! 

After the baptisms we got right to work, and we were able to find 14 new investigators and set a couple baptism dates for next week! Everything is going really good, I love the work. 

Much Love,  
Elder Ceb


2. Never gonna forget this thanksgiving meal haha

3. I promise he was really happy after he got over the cold water

4. Meredith!!!! 

5. My boy Carlitos- I baptized him like 3 weeks ago! 

6. Very special day

7. Looking good on their baptism day

8. Elder Ceb and Elder Lopez

Monday, November 19, 2018

Cookin' up an American Thanksgiving feast this week!

Que onda perros? 

This is going to be a really quick email because I have no time at all...

This week went really good, we should baptize a couple people this week. I’ll send some pics and more information next week! 

This Thursday is thanksgiving so Elder Atkin and I went to H.E.B. today and we bought a bunch of American stuff and we are going to prepare a huge feast for the sisters and elders out here in Mexico! 

Quick shout to my boy Emosi Damuni for repping the Last Kings of Aphrodite! 

Much love,
Elder Ceb

1. Really good Sunday! 

2. Shout out to my mom for the ties

3. My little bro is a hype beast... I see you fam

Monday, November 12, 2018

Never Been Happier

What a really good week! My companion and I worked really hard to put all of the other areas in our zone before us with a firm trust in the Lord that everything would work out within the zone and in our own area! 

We worked with Elder Atkin and Elder Gonzalez last Sunday after church and we had a lot of success. We were able to secure a couple of baptisms with them and then Elder Atkin went and taught a young dude in English which was kinda weird tbh. 

Then on Monday we took some materials to some Elders and Sisters and then worked for a little bit with Elder Vaquero and Elder Moreno! It was good to be with them for a little bit, we were able to meet some of the people they had been teaching and help secure some baptisms that they have coming up! 

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we were able to work a little bit in our area and we had lots of success. However, it felt like we had no time haha because we had lots of things to plan for Zone conference....

Friday and Saturday, we had our zone conference.  We had a really good time! It was such a revelatory experience, so many changes happening in the mission at the moment. About 2 weeks ago we started asking for dats everyday instead of a couple of times throughout the week and we have seen some amazing results from it. I also had a chance to work with Elder Brooke and Elder Ruiz a bit too after some interviews on Friday. It is always fun to work with a couple of Elders in a trio! 

On Sunday we had a really dope broadcast presided by Elder Rasband. He talked a lot about ward missionary work which was great.  We have been working tons with the members lately. This past week we were able to gain 14 references from members, recent converts, and even nonmembers, which has helped us immensely. 

We even went on splits last night with a member and It went great! We visited Elder and Lupita and they were talking about how they want to get married in the temple and everything and they were crying with joy because of how their lives have all changed over the past month when we found them. When we were at our Leadership conference, President shared a story of a former missionary and some Elders that baptized their family and what not, and it reminds us a lot of Lupita ad Elder, so we are going to make a video of them soon ahha! 

Never been happier, the church is true fam!

Much love,

Elder Ceb

1. Dominos was super hype hehe

2.  Elder and Lupita’s kids

3. Love the kids!

4. Elder’s brother, Miguel, that we reactivated! 

 5. Elder Brooke

6. Some interchanges after zone conference with Elder Ruiz!

7. Some pics by the wall! 

8. The Wall

9. Shout out to my sister McKall and Lauren for the edits 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Revelation is Real!

 This week was insane! Things are going incredibly good! This Sunday we were able to bring six families to church! It was amazing, haha, we filled up three whole rows just with our investigators. We still have tons of more work to do though, we are currently working with over 30 families and things are looking really promising. The coolest part about Sunday was that we were able to gain the Bishop’s trust, he has had bad experiences with missionaries that were in the ward before and now he is really animated to work with us.

This past week we had our leadership conference in Saltillo! Revelation is real! Lots of changes coming here in Saltillo, and tons of success in store for each and every one of us! So exciting to see how the mission is progressing as a whole! We were also able to eat some all you can eat pizza which is always fun! 

The Spirit is guiding us, it is amazing. Like for example, today we took a little bit of time out of our p-day and helped a non-active member get her kids to school, and then while we were at the school some lady came up to me and said she was a member and then after I talked to her and she asked me to baptize her 5 kids! A lot of the other people that we are teaching have been found in similar ways. I have never had a stronger testimony of the way the Spirit can guide us; however, my companion and I have been able to share so many experiences together over these past three weeks! 

We were going to baptize Lupita this past week, however, her mother in law wanted to come to the wedding and she lives in Veracruz. She got here last night though so everything is set for this weekend! I have no clue how we are going to do everything ahha because we also have zone conf, and some other people baptizing in our zone, however we will get things done! 

Over these past couple of months, I have been reading the Book of Mormon every day and writing down notes to help me relate everything together, and I have also been writing down every tender mercy each day in my journal. I feel like baring my testimony of all the things that I have learned from both of these habits I have developed; however, I feel that words can’t describe how I feel, and how much I have been able to learn. All I want to say is that I know that God lives, and that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, and I know without a doubt that they guide us and look after us and help us in every waking moment. 

Much love,

Elder Ceb

1. Leadership conference this week! 

2. Gotta love President and Sister Cahoon! 

3. Sin comentario

4. Shout out to my mom for hooking us up with some ties! 

Elder Cebollero's Homecoming

We loved hearing Elder Cebollero speak in our church about his mission and hearing his beautiful testimony.  After church, we had a taco bar...